Clove Bud Essential Oil



SKU: 2 Category:


Sweet, warm, spicy, rich, wood, and fruity aroma


  • Ease the mind
  • Foster confidence
  • Promote self-assurance
  • Alleviate depression and anxiety


  • Combat throat and respiratory infections
  • Warming effects on the senses
  • Antidepressant potential 
  • Ease nerve and arthritic joint pain


Non-toxic. May cause skin and mucus membrane irritation or sensitization. Very potent essential oil, use sparingly and dilute well. Avoid using with young children. Avoid using on sensitive or damaged skin. Potential drug interactions with oral use with blood thinners.

Prior to using any essential oil, a skin test is recommended. This can be done by diluting 1 drop of the essential oil in 4 drops of carrier oil and applying a small amount of this blend to an area of non-sensitive skin.







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